rate gyro การใช้
- The accident was eventually determined to be caused by the rate gyro package having been installed upside-down.
- Sudarshan has an on-board flight-control computer with microelectronic-mechanical systems-based rate gyros.
- The control signal processor ( location 15 ) provided power to and received inputs from the nine EDS rate gyros.
- This time, the problem was traced to a defective rate gyro in the Agena which had gone undetected at launch.
- Investigation proceeded quickly and the problem was soon discovered to be the result of a malfunction in the pitch rate gyro amplifier.
- However, digital computers are now so inexpensive and fast that rate gyro systems can now be practically used and mass-produced.
- This hardware included the Fault Tolerant Inertial Navigation Unit ( FTINU ) and Redundant Rate Gyro Units ( RRGUs ), and cable harnesses.
- It consists of a rate gyro, reaction wheels, a precision pointing payload, and a scanning and pointing payload that produces motion disturbances.
- All testing came back negative and on May 22, a tested and verified rate gyro package arrived from Convair and was installed in the Centaur.
- The Titan 1 was controlled by an autopilot which was informed of the missile's attitude by a rate gyro assembly consisting of 3 gyroscopes.
- Rate gyros are used in rate integrating gyroscopes, and in attitude control systems for vehicles, and in combination with other sensors to make inertial navigation systems.
- Some of the electronics contained within the Instrument Unit are a digital computer, analog flight control computer, emergency detection system, inertial guidance platform, control accelerometers and control rate gyros.
- The error caused the roll rate gyro data to be ignored by the flight computer, resulting in open-loop firing of the roll control thrusters until the RCS fuel was depleted.
- Two of the three roll-rate gyros had been wired in reverse . " To compound the problem, the flight control built-in test was not run before the flight.
- Even before the flight was terminated, technicians had determined the cause of the failure-the rate gyros had mistakenly been launched with the motors powered off, rendering the Atlas's flight control system inoperable.
- The EDS was distributed throughout the vehicle and includes some components in the IU . There were nine EDS rate gyros installed at location 15 in the IU . Three gyros monitored each of the three axes ( pitch, roll and yaw ), providing triple redundancy.
- The Earth's rotation caused the rate gyros to register an approximately 8?tilt 30 minutes after the aborted liftoff, which the abort sensing system then interpreted as meaning that the booster had deviated from its flight path, and thus it activated the LES . The abort sensing system in the Soyuz was thus redesigned to prevent a recurrence of this unanticipated design flaw.